Many movies are freely available nowadays, for different reasons. In some cases, copyright has expired, in others, the movie was made available by the copyright holders, and some are even made for the open public in the first place.
Our first movie is:
The Last Man On Earth (1964)
"L'ultimo uomo della Terra", USA/Italy, directed by Ubaldo Ragona and Sidney Salkow![]() | |
"The Last Man..." is based on Richard Matheson's novel "I am Legend" from 1954, and George A. Romero did take a peek or two at Matheson's work for "Night...". The similarities are undeniable, "The Last Man..." being the prior almost feels like a template for "Night...".
Nonetheless the films are quite different. Vincent Price and the vampires are still connected to the romanticism associated with Dracula and Hammer movies, personal tragedy plays a big role in "The Last Man...", science still has an ace up it's sleeve. In "Night...", on the other hand, it's the naked horror of society disintegrating, on all levels.
In 1971 Matheson's novel has been (re)made into a movie called "The Omega-Man" with Charlton Heston, again in 2007 as "I am Legend" with Will Smith and "I Am Ωmega" featuring Mark Dacascos - but "The Last Man on Earth" from 1964 is still and by far the most gripping and touching version.
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